this was about the most un-produced shoot i can remember participating in:) which was great! i had just come off a larger job so polina osherov's impromptu idea to catch some early morning light with what ever wardrobe i had in my closet was welcome. polina works with a wide range of people in the area, she does a great job of connecting people + creating a sense of community amongst us. that morning, our lovely subject stephanie kincheloe arrived at my place at 5:30 am. she's a natural beauty even at such an early hour so i did my best to keep her look pretty clean. in these shots, i used a soft lavender shadow washed over the lid with a heavy black liner to really define her eye shape. i felt the heavy liner worked with the blouse somehow.. i envisioned her as a slightly forlorn little parisian girl complete with a pouty magenta lips;) well that's what i was going for anyway.. ps i love working with models that are more than just a pretty face. stephanie really is just that although she's not shooting these days, she's quite a photographer in her own right. now day's her band ranger occupies more of her time + interest. i'm looking forward to catching them live!